Forces are different with time. Force travels for an
event and different force travels on different things so entanglement could be
there. That two spinning wheels with colours blue and green on rotating one
stops at blue other stops at green as one force travels on one substance other
force travels on other substance so entanglement is due to force travel
different to spinning wheels.
Now electron could be same on both spinning wheels but due
to their rotation they can gain electron power more due to going closer to
Nothing both spinning wheels gain Nothing but gain different electrons so again the entanglement works
still if there are same electrons then they are in same time. Both spinning
wheels can’t show entanglement.
Spinning does make electron image ( so not same ) so
spinning wheels are different (two electrons are not identical as one two time could
be one or space couldn’t be as two can’t say electron could be one as has to
work from Nothing single force can’t be created so electron is there there different
(from Nothing) for all and not same so two objects differ (due to electrons too
different) not same. Those electron is not in same time so things are
different. Due to same time they could be same but electron has Nothing
different. Always spinning is more near to Nothing as it has allside
forcetraveling like electron whereas straight distance has forcetravelling if
we stand if we move there is no opposite force travelling like time so circle
objects to work are more nearer to all side event working so could result in
time travel if it was possible.
Spinning does make electron image so spinning wheels are
different not same. And colliding too you are back in time if you go in depth
beginning of time in depth of creation you go to but same image could be not
that time could be destroyed. Still image and time are destroyed.
In depth of an event colliding is thing made and then
destroyed is the time this kind of time original creation you don’t go for. All
electrons are not same atleast Nothing different. Back in time we are not
colliding such time is also there which should be studied. I said this three
On both wheels different force travels but electron is one
entity (different in Nothing) same so entanglement is due to forcetravel on
something are always different but electron is same so this is the reason it is
called entanglement that still same electrons it behaves separately. We can’t
make identical force travel or same force travel even if travel time. Entanglement
is due to forcetravel.(are different on different objects can’t be recreated
unless forcetravel recreated.)
(Due to we make two time identical forcetravel if is also made identical even still it is at
different time (due to we are in time I say so) otherwise force travel you can’t
rescue even when on the spot in past forcetravel is different what has happened
can’t be undone due to force travel and same event we can’t get anytime in past
if we see and can be redone is only possible if present or past is same ( which
is always with force travel ) or forcetravel is same as is with (past and present overpowered by force
travelling is not in future just you say it works not that predict
forcetravel you can feel in future no feel) (without the reach of time if made
possible normally in bigbang time is not possible due to force travel just expansion
(has forcetravel) only reached time by slowing down so forcetravel came in time
(otherwise was outside time) (even dimensions are there in bigbang
forcetravelling was there before dimensions exists)(people lived on
forcetravelling outside if not where not under explosions and so even not in time
(time came in after dimensions that is if dimensions are there) only explosions
are different as only time comes opposite in it and no forcetravelling opposite
is there. Explosions are outside forcetravel. If opposite is not their in explosions as after
bigbang slowed down (and explosions came into existence or explosions are in dimensions
just forcetraveling could have work on dim what is bigger than dimension
forcetravelling is bigger and outside dimension too time couldn’t have dim time
is lesser and against dim) time came so that forcetravelling came in time and
dimensions to work with event the Universe could be without all this and event event
before the bigbang so no time was there as both due to forcetravelling was
there (opposite and straight event as it extends inside objects or land and sky
are due to it) which is opposite event too and only explosions and time exists
due to other than forcetravel. In past life and existence other than dimensions
could be there could be counted as event No I don’t say can’t happen other than
force travel even walls can’t happen walls were there with forcetravel only there no-time or dimension there walls
were there like forcetravel walls were there with forcetravel and
event too is there due to its less speed like walls (too came in time)is in time too. (otherwise with outside
dimensions time is negative dim forcetravel is positive (more in) dimension so
isn’t dimension just time is opposite to forcetravel and forcetravel could
overpower all time due to Nothing or like Nothing you can’t say forcetravel
could work it is an event no not, an event just a force both ahead and back
innotime event this is its one of the work as we only live in time and friction
so use so, in us both time and forcetravel due negative positive difference aren’t
dimensions and dimensions aren’t Nothing central dim is opposite to NH mirror and
other two are mirror images on adjacent sides.
Time different are electrons Nh different are outside electron
we are where there is no force travelling if no electron. Is that all electron
time is same even with bigbang you can’t say like different things have
different electrons and different times (pairing or charge I don’t say).
it is on entanglement again:
it is on entanglement again:
In Nothing due to entanglement dimensions are there. Dim are
no positive value is wrong answer dimensions are normal value inbetween positive
and negative any value at different times. We are in touch with dim in
different ways is positive and negative too so we meet Allaah due to time and
forcetravelling both from outside dimensions could work in dimensions. Due to
entanglement time you are different and forcetravelling you aren’t it is some
knowledge other than force travelling too like time. As (we are in time nodoubt
all the time forcetravelling different due to event [we make]) time and
forcetravelling we live due to me explained we live. Times are different at
different places but force travelling is called one even though all objects and
people have different forcetravelling.
Forcetravelling is with you and time is related to you. If I
don’t know bigbang theory forcetravelling is other than time. It is not told in
bigbang theory but time was after forcetravelling. Time wasn’t more travelling
like force travelling even in bigbang. Bigbang separated forcetravelling and
time due to explosions we become we came in time whereas forcetravelling is
reality time is just other than truth from Nothing as time is negative only say
different time couldn’t work as forcetravelling is always there time is there.
Forcetravelling is removed people are removed as we are in forcetravel due to
deeds. Deeds and Nothing we are in forcetravelling which disbelievers can’t
understand will can’t understand due to time only time we gain from Nothing we
believe as can believe forcetravelling is not possible to be believed is much
powerful than to believe so we don’t think it.
Doors and window aren’t same but window is opposite to
mirror due to central dim is mirror our side is one same number dim so
remaining dimension isn’t door but window as third dimension is not complete
but due to other adjacent dimensions window is. Window is side and not
dimension. Its size where window is complete side but not complete dimension
due it is window a side third dimension is both way half as central dimension
to two dim is not only half dim due to sides but due to up and down too it is
half. Such half dimension is attached to two dimension so third dim is a side
what a window is.
All doors are content different so are different. Due to
time different and money different doors are different. Money different aren’t
dimensions but door is in dimensions. Difference is no difference for wali and
awliya only they are at different place. Different place are doors. If you are
at different place you are doors we are doors to eachother. Even Nothing same
doors are different as can’t create the same door other than warp warp is
different knowledge is not door. Door is for Allaah ALLAAH know doors aren’t
warps anytime. One door can’t include more people due to time we live in as we
kept time required requirement of time is there on door. You are behaviour for
Allaah is door.
Window is adjacent to door. Window isn’t complete other than
doors. Our dimension is door dim window we don’t make it is extra but no extra
dimension. Window is half dimension as third dim is incomplete is only due to
two dimensions as window is complete.
Dimension is not or all posititve and negative like window
and doors are negative if not positive. Window is to door dim is to Nothing.
Window is me so Allaah knows me. Window is extra place we came in which is half
and can’t say half that Allaah can’t know till half is there. Or Allaah knows
from window too. I wait due to window. Window aren’t dim too are there if no
dim or some dim is less. Such window new dimension can’t be or window are
adjacent sides who are sides full but no dim full.
Dim are adjacent Allaah makes adjacent all. Adjacent due to
entanglement. Adjacent is belief is time. In time dim are so world runs rule
rule today is due to that. Any isn’t wrong if entanglement or no time dilation
is there. Wasn’t work to rule wasn’t dim wasn’t Allaah Allaah knows wasn’t just due to now know me
now Allaah know me I am with my friends so no Allaah I say know yes I say it
due to wrong friends aren'’ ALLAAH but some Allaah worked. Dim are money never
nvever money and the world is ever money never this is right the sentence. Dim
and Nothing make you so Allaah know or Nothing work or should work I say
Deeds and Nothing we are in forcetravelling which
disbelievers can’t understand will say can’t understand due to time
In Nothing due to entanglement dimesions are there. Dim are
no positive value is wrong answer dimensions are normal value inbetween
positive and negative any value.
Doors and window aren’t same but window is opposite to
mirror due to central dim is mirror our side is one same number dim so
remaining dimension isn’t door but window as third dimension is not complete
but due to other adjacent dimensions window
All doors are content different so are different. Different
place are doors. If you are at different place you are doors we are doors to
eachother. Even Nothing same doors are different. One door can’t include more
people due to time.
In Nothing due to entanglement dimensions are there. Dim are
no positive value is wrong answer dimensions are normal value inbetween
positive and negative any value at different times. We are in touch with dim in
different ways is positive and negative too so we meet Allaah due to time and
forcetravelling both from outside dimensions could work in dimensions. Due to
entanglement time you are different and forcetravelling you aren’t it is some
knowledge other than force travelling too like time is enetanglement. As (we
are in time nodoubt all the time forcetravelling different due to event [we
make]) time and forcetravelling we live due to me explained we live. Times are
different at different places but force travelling is called one even though
all objects and people have different forcetravelling. They are in entanglement
if same or copy they are in different in past and future or if they are
different then entanglement correct you should become try to become can’t be
same or duplicate too they aren’t (as, if) colour is different (in entanglement
if I name correctly people correct me).
Okay people know dimensions are in entanglement with
eachother so mirror isn’t correct but means correct okay means no dim they are
but we create to make dimensions is mirror also. Mirror should be inplace of
window then we can’t see us full but use two opposite mirror we can’t put have
to put so understand window.
Forcetravelling is with you and time is related to you. If I
don’t know bigbang theory forcetravelling is other than time. It is not told in
bigbang theory but time was after forcetravelling. Time wasn’t more travelling
like force travelling even in bigbang. Bigbang separated forcetravelling and
time due to explosions we become we came in time whereas forcetravelling is
reality time is just other than truth from Nothing as time is negative only say
different time couldn’t work as forcetravelling is always there time is there.
Forcetravelling is removed people are removed as we are in forcetravel due to
deeds. Deeds and Nothing we are in forcetravelling which disbelievers can’t
understand will can’t understand due to time only time we gain from Nothing we
believe as can believe forcetravelling is not possible to be believed is much
powerful than to believe so we don’t think it.
Doors and window aren’t same but window is opposite to
mirror due to central dim is mirror our side is one same number dim so
remaining dimension isn’t door but window as third dimension is not complete
but due to other adjacent dimensions window is. Window is side and not
dimension. Its size where window is complete side but not complete dimension
due it is window a side third dimension is both way half as central dimension
to two dim is not only half dim due to sides but due to up and down too it is
half what the third dimension is. Such half dimension is attached to two
dimension so third dim is a side what a window is.
In Nothing due to entanglement dimensions are there. Dim are
no positive value is wrong answer dimensions are normal value inbetween
positive and negative any value.
Doors and window aren’t same but window is opposite to
mirror due to central dim is mirror our side is one same number dim so
remaining dimension isn’t door but window as third dimension is not complete
but due to other adjacent dimensions is window
All doors are content different so are different. Different
place are doors. If you are at different place you are doors we are doors to
eachother. Even Nothing same doors are different. One door can’t include more
people due to time.
So was entanglement there in bigbang? It only came with
dimensions or two different people who are same made it possible. Such same
came from dimensions so entanglement was required (due to dim and two same
entanglement is required means thing before creation like forcetravel but opposite
due to time we are in entanglement is with creation). Forcetravel is before
creation no-time no-time it was was forcetravelling. Either dimensions or
believers required it or time was required due to entanglement possible like
dimensions is also entanglement other than Nothing or space time is similar to
Nothing wheras space is similar to entanglement time is due to Nothing
entanglement is due to customising space games should be made from it. Dimensions
and forcetravelling we live in as say to live in time. Entanglement is a
facility for us in time too due to it is like forcetravelling. And Nothing is
controlling dimensions as we live in time due to it. Dim is something Nothing
could control forcetravel is not dependent on entanglement.
Entanglement is if force doesn’t travel like opposite to
time. Time forms outside dimensions is due to forcetravel (we know still don’t
know what outside dim). Nothing and Space can’t bring entanglement and forcetravel.
As we know forcetravel can’t be made same way entanglement is not in our reach
other than understanding like time whereas forcetravelling is understanding
like dimensions.
another topic:
If colours or slots coincide with
electron entanglement is there even at lightlike velocity both spinning wheel
rotates. As even at lightlike velocity two electron are different.( As even at
lightlike velocity job has not happened so both are different more than normal
so could can must have entanglement (is it so or not). They are different due
to entanglement alone otherwise are same if no different colour [at lightlike
velocity such difference is there but not when more than lightlike velocity] (is
it so or not) so are different due to entanglement alone [two objects] unless
they are multicoloured they can’t be differentiated.) Both are at different
time and time is negative (more than lightlike velocity time is positive) normally
so at lightlike velocity so I believe entanglement is there. Entanglement is there
due to time negative.(objects are differentiated oppostiely)At lightlike
velocity they have same one density (where time is positive all are equal) entanglement
isn’t there if time is positive no two objects have same colour but density
same even mass no same weight isn’t there or could be any limit same) and
colour. So at lightlike velocity two spinning wheels are same but little less
(they rotate on entanglement colour is different.)
If at lightlike velocity electron has not formed
has formed completely so two people are
more different.then both are same
not same anyway both spinning wheels I talk about.
If both are timetravelling they have
single colour so entanglement isn’t there [also as time is negative] (as work
is not done yet at more than lightlike velocity. We are negative in workdone if
at lightlike velocity we are takingover. ( fact denied on videos). At light like
velocity they have colour of their own. Time is negative only not at lightlike
if time goes it doesn’t remain negative so negative time doesn’t work so
differentiation can’t be there or or is one after the other it doesn’t work
from before so entanglement could only be consecutively different (okay I leave
here don’t understand) before entanglement we can’t say they are different or
other than entanglement difference has no answer still time is negative so you
can’t name one object as two due to time same they are only if time was
different differentiation was there entanglement wasn’t a subject everything
was on entanglement or like entanglement. (this pargraph I write extra) another thing entanglement is not in time
but consecutive to one another its time different it shows only if objects are
same with different objects no guarantee of time due to entanglement we know. I
write extra time was different at different place so entanglement could inform
otherwise if same time are things half same according to qualities can’t be
recognised as time is different we recognise this is time different Universe
like money and wall And Nothing and wall. So I live in time don’t want to live
in this time I mean. I need money if someone can give me due to what I write.
Two objects aren’t
same at lightlike velocity but are same at more than lightlike velocity if they
are copy of eachother(is it so)(people you can’t understand this)) (or colour
difference is more recognised [at l.l velocity] [same colour at more than
lightlike velocity {this is to be checked}] copy means past and future different?
If copy they are colour difference but if not copy [they are same if can be at
same {due to same atoms and molecules of same kind speed too dependent okay}time
at more than lightlike velocity. So copy is differernt at lightlike velocity
but different things could be same due same time they are in (at more than
lighlike velocity so how do video makers understand). so colours work. Colour could
inform that there is entanglement or not .even spinning wheel it could be same
if colours (we don’t use to differentiate) colours if we put then realise otherwise can’t
know. (due to time making different composition is different more than
timetravel too many objects are same due to same composition like molecules too
work in negative time so in positive time can’t work or differentiate can’t as
those molecules can’t work if remain in negative time our molecular structure might
not travel with us.[due to this bracked not writing].
When are object not same at lightlike
velocity if are past and future to eachother with same composition of
molecules. Two things same copy at lightlike velocity are same colour too same
at more than lightlike velocity ( this is true ) you are no different
guy at lightlike velocity this is the reason.what about two things not copy
they are likely to be more same as at
morethan lightlike velocity even light is different
and different is welcome or realised so our molecular structure can’t work so
molecules become one if are less than lightlike velocity as can’t work so can’t
work ( as more than lightlike velocity differentiation isn’t there between two
everything is equal) Whichone is same or not copy more dominant no one so how
could it be (one who travelled time is dominant).
In the secondlast
paragraph colours could only answer here composition of molecules can’t
answer. In case of copy timetravel can’t work and / or molecules are different
time travel isn’t there. Copy is not in same time whereas different object due
to time same could be same but molecular structure can’t be same like copy
could be different colours could separate copy too. Entanglement
can’t answer due to copy (entanglement could be there) could answer or due to
colour (entanglement could always be there) could answer molecular structure
(couldn’t ans with same objects[as copy
is past and future] and molecular structure can’t travel time in same condition)
same with same objects is completely same with timetravel (same objects same
molecular structure)can’t be same and colours can’t be same still timetravel like entanglement could
answer.(you were different)
If more velocity than timetravel (lightlike
velocity)we are in our molecular structure is different, and we are not at that
place just due to molecular structure is different, we are in timetravel we can’t
time travel with same ones but have different electrons and molecules too
different so are in no timetravel but more than timetravel you can make a movie
now. Even chemicals isn’t same just structure due to dim is same. If structure
too not same what will you do. Can it be seen in Large Hadron Collider I don’t
think we get the answer. Any molecular structure you get due to timetravel. Our
same electron just work in lightlike velocity and not in time travel they could
work work is not same. We go different is the answer entanglement could still
answer our LHC if answer is big answer.
Entanglement is at
lightlike velocity and two doors not open same due to timetravelling doors are
in so have copy of past and future still entanglement is redenied for door as
different doors in different time travel entanglement is due to same timetravel(due
to time or event different or forcetravelling like two events is the other
doors are not same). Due to copy of past and future entanglement is it means
other than circular objects it is not possible, due to electron rotates so
object gains power from Nothing on rortating. Entanglement is in our dimensnions
much same like dimensions different on recognition like dimensions (do
dimensions inform us) two entanglement can’t be same as are at lightlike
velocity. two dim aren’t realise
same as the other is even in other area or direction area and direction and
propogation any teaching is different on them.
entanglement aren’t directing eachother but are subsequent to each other not
alone due to timetravel it is (I ask for money). It is due math job undertaken
by them Is different comparingly they have no connection or link think math
they work but think if same isn’t done we are progressing or we are making copies copies are time
different if we say for work like two doors not open same. like elgebra it
Another topic: other thing is outside the area of lightlike
velocity. (You are their but with lighlike velocity you are alone[even when
other things are at same lightlike velocity]) you cover past and future at lightlike velocity (past and future you are
not separate)so nobody can be there other than you even other things [are
together] at lightlike velocity are at different place. There can be similar
things at l.lvelocity but no two same things(unless you make a copy). If they travel lightlike velocity
together then too they are at different place.
Two same
things aren’t at lightlike velocity. Copy could be there at light like velocity
can’t be there (and you meet yourselves somehow in past or future I don’t say
past and future. You win copies and forms with you are at lighlike velocity[can’t
understand]. Time doesn’t travel opposite to us at lightlike velocity so there
is no halt due to no halt forms can’t be there as you are your form too at
lightlike velocity. --------------your form isn’t at lightlike velocity is
outside lightlike velocity. Even outside lightlike velocity we live but
still though comparing to forms is to be checked.
Computer couldn’t work at lightlike velocity or
more work can’t be
said just dreams said I write computer is all functional at lightlike velocity
make or remove people. Only dreams could be at lightlike velocity but computer
is separate from anybody dreams ornot (means if they are different). I am
alone, guy staying without dreams to be in dreams everything to know Allaah. I
want dream of Allaah to become dream no dream from Allaah I say yes to it so
people understand we are dream people reside in dreams whereas I am not in dream
like people same.
velocity you aren’t
together if you use things you are in time and again at lightlike velocity you
are separate or different people otherwise not
You can
be single force at lightlike velocity (its like gaining Nothing as speed is dim
like Nothing) able to work normal or all not sure not all you could work if
If you
are at lightlike velocity you can’t meet anybody same. Other guy if at lightlike
velocity only meet. So normally you are two due to time (due to time past and
future we are in) three due to dimensions (our three dimensions we are
different) three dimensions are different if you are different. three opposite
due to entanglement (as one is not countering other but separate when other is
there) means (no form you are) and four opposite (opposite or no opposite) due
to Nothing (you are one and separate) it is due to direction not dimension. To become
from Nothing you have to deny your four forms to Allaah now no to yourselves to
be it is so.
These I
say people ahead I say: Time isn’t opposite at lightlike velocity so numbers are
made due to opposite time what time doesn’t make(at lightlike velocity) this
is one thing. With dimensions time is alternating its no entanglement here but
two dim are there due to less than lightlike velocity (as third dimension is
half and the other two just minus entanglement like same they are at other
place means even same due to theory they aren’t different but at different speeds
or at different place half of eachother they are double or mirror image of one half
and one full so are related to each other are half same in time. So half same
in time are dimensions but are at different place or entanglement could answer
okay people this I underline two dimensions are same too (are diff)
different. With entanglement two times are different so entanglement is at
light like velocity to each other.two times are at l.l velocity. If not
in time we are in entanglement other than l.l velocity as if we are not in
Nothing we are in dimensions. At lightlike velocity no dim are there (you or
object is separate from all). In entanglement even time is separate of two
objects ( we have to say objects two) not only Nothing diagram of entanglement
is z with right angle. No dimension is same at entanglement even twice of entanglement
you can know the difference. (you could be in another dimension if double of twice
or four times is entanglement ( of life ) inreal at lightlike velocity it is in.
l.l multiplied by four is entaglement to let it time travel more times we
multiply then can reach another dimensions but due to dimensions it is not
possible if we count dim we are at the same place as you remove dimensions
after you do the job that could bring new dimension after entanglement multiplied
by 2 or 4 we reach stable place or another dim if once more or not possible
again once more as due to velocity of light we multiply (those is entanglement difference
of people multiplied to be different that’s value between two people is
one guy is multiplication of other is a different theory could be suitable with
entanglement here both have time same which we should believe to bring more
time new time to remove time same in entanglement so outside time so 2 4 and so
figures we multiplied are valid and ahead)
Next theory
people two diff people are some multiplication different now multiplication of
dreams multiplication can’t
be same if more than lightlike velocity ( so two multiplication are different
always )so this time we built to be separate is my answer to entanglement and
such discoverers I welcome not through my writing I can’t say due writing but due to all
what I think and know again I can’t need money too but they are welcome. Welcome are
different people. And I don’t
say know to meet by e-mail.
Dim are
due to same and (together) such way different that is why forms are not form
with entanglement but due to time forms are but/and due to Nothing you are one separate
(means dim and time doesn’t work but entangle or time).we
are with entanglement if not in time we are (we are right). So about Nothing
and dimension we are in dimension if we are in time (this could be outside
Nothing, some negative place we reach, if time of else place we bring or reach).
Time is just there to help no other work time is it is help you do but I say
you do is time time is.
and entanglement are opposite to each other as one dim is similar and
two in entanglement is different (in existence). Time is different at
all place and Nothing is same at
all place time gives figure Nothing gives difference of figure and both time
and Nothing are opposite to eachother. Again these four things are big to know.
Dim will receive entanglement and
time will receive Nothing then job is accomplished otherwise not. Due to
entanglement dim are not same and due to Nothing all time could be different
even other than timetravel. This we understand so we are.
You write on events Nothing entanglement time
and dimension this I informed order I inform they are.
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