I want Money

F=m/t is I want money. Force=mass/time so as I informed I ask for money. And force travelling I informed so I ask for money. People I corrected it in the first sentence down as m=f/t it is mass=force/time which people can't understand if wrong it is as we see if force was time removed then we get exact mass and exact weight to overpower it to move it is not denied by Allaah to say so. time removed from mass is force so weight and mass same we get and what I see or understand is time removed from force, mass equals force upon time so still the object is there as mass so time =force / mass mass we remove from force acting is time we get correct but the thing known differently is (time removed from mass can't happen [no mass there]  same thing was t=m/f force removed from mass is no time taken [means no-time was there]) and mass removed from force doesn't happen is even outside event in real like time removed from force  is also outside event  and mass removed is equal to force removed from time just to calculate for the sake of knowledge ( as mass and weight same in f=m/t if time removed so its easier and t=m/f force removed so mass and time same this two things are facility is some easy so I use to prefer) (but I say other equation other than previous one bracket) our defination m=f/t is so inreal I ask for Money is due to formula mass = force / time this I say other any other formula even if I write I say wrong as I use this formula so ask for Money. but the other formula I use to prefer due to someones help I could write. either the underline things are too positive or too negative I mean say that so I prefer this equation MASS = FORCE / TIME this I believe in I believe in formula m=f/t as the first sentence in the first paragraph doesn't says it I correct it (at that place too i correct). I just had doubt over the other equation so I wrote wrong formulas before as I mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph. so I prefer now m=f/t. I want Money for mass = force / time formula. and as I explained down from the sentence now I ask for Money I talk of same formula and forcetravelling too I mentioned. you can understand as I write in short last on this page if not understand.

mass removed from force is no forcetravelling. time removed from force is exact place of the spaceship due to exact space of forcetravel. mass removed in no forcetravel and force removed from time is again no forcetravel. mass removed is no forcetravel and together force removed from time is no object as object could be without event but force removed secondly  it means object isn't there. so due to forcetravelling my defination and formula possible as I explained down in paragraph some information on forcetravelling. 
Forcetravelling takes time to work on mass and both are different. So force= mass x time is forcetravelling acting on event without event mass and time both are forcetravelling. So we know past due to forcetravelling. So mass = force / time so no forcetravelling is mass and time = force / mass so alone forcetravell can't be other than event. Force = mass x time is weight and force too means if double the weight or double the force is forcetravelling. again I say do read my so I write in short paragraph I say all same on the whole page or other than mathematics I say same as so I write in short title know for it.

I corrected it: Just explanation as mass=force/time (I ask for Money due to up I explain is wrong if in the same context they are otherwise I believe in force travel and so ask for Money due to it too it too I say I have two topics so as I informed ask for Money) defination is true people this is invention and not discovery as new things can be done due to seeable by eyes its no new. People no new people what I say.

So Now I ask for Money. This is the same I explain I ask for Money

Instead of acceleration what newton said it should be time.

Newton said f=m x a that force=mass x acceleration

I say is f=m x t that force= mass x time, Now this force could be weight too but time you will know different as even of steady objects you know time so recognise due to time it means people are recognised due to time that is straight away we are from Power of Nothing if our mass is multiplied with time. Force experienced we talk about here. So you have to see time=force/mass that for steady object is weight instead of force and if when divided by mass we get new time for a steady object too like we can get as for the object in motion we can get time through the same formula is not new time = force x mass. So first we know time now then mass is there and force can be calculated. So I gave time formula here.

Instead of speed of lightsquare it should be t x speed of lightsquare where t time = f force / m mass

Einstein said E=m x csquare Energy source = mass x speed of lightsquare

I say e= m x t x csquare is mass x time (t=force/mass, this time I say here) x speed of lightsquare. So E is Nothing Power = mass x time(as I explained formula) x speed of lightsquare.Now here as I said time is of my kind like I explained equation is right time and separate time too so my kind time I talk about like I write in bracket. So it is this time multiplied by speed of lightsquare (mcsquare) gives our Nothing Power value if we see with our mass that is multiplied too with time and that is multiplied speed of light I mean say that. So our value is with force and time our force and time we are different mass you can be same as anybody. So first your time is different then your force is different (as we are not same) so mass is required to be calculated. You are a different in force so you exists as separate with time you differ first and different place due to force you are  as force differs different place in Nothing so time and mass and can be calculated. Mass you only have if have power in Nothing and time you don’t have. Force can only be there if you are different. This two sentence can be known by my formula. Alone by My formula You can Know That.

My formula you can understand more by the example of spacecraft or ship in space. Just I explained one formula.

Some Information on Forcetravelling: There is forcetravelling with weight of an object weight is due to forcetravelling and mass is no forcetravelling calculated but forcetravelling is there. Or due to force travelling there so time is calculated of an object as whole other wise the object is broken or din’t remain same object. F=forcetravelling x mass or forcetravelling is time too okay I don’t know like mass=force/time so no forcetravelling = time removed from an object. Means we are not in time that is I explained lastly. So forcetravelling is the major role player in my equation I write. Just for the sake of knowledge and explanation it is it is not so it is there as we move a thing force due to us travels to its end then the object starts to move. So about spacecraft it is different here due to boosters are forcetravelling from Nothing spacecraft moves so forcetravelling is different here as booster needs equal to spacecraft weight here mass is not required to be calculated or bigger mass according to time square of the spacecraft could be more faster than smaller according to m x t x csquareas spacecraft other than boosters too takes power from Nothing as some midsize spacecraft is more faster. So its all due to forcetravelling weight, time is mass removed so forcetravelling alone we get. Due to forcetravelling we are in so in time we are as force or forcetravelling too needs time to travel. Just mass we could be same and is not in time other than my formula as time makes us different and Nothing makes our time too different like space different. forcetravelling makes the mass. time is due to forcetravelling as object moves after forcetravelling [on it is on the farthest end]. and anyforce isn't there if no forcetravelling so anyobject can't exist as Nothing isn't force but works on force some force we are but we aren't no-event some event we are we might not be force making event but event we are from Nothing. any noevent talk I deny or remove or don't believe as Allaah doesn't know it and I don't like we aren't single force too but made from mass and time and some event we do. due to forcetravelling we are able to do some event so event is possible here due to forcetravelling.

So I write in short:
Newton says force=mass x acceleration
I say force=mass x time (time I say different that is time = force / mass this time I use in the equation is different from normal time) this time I use in the equation is different from normal time) so instead of acceleration I say time.
Einstein say Energy=mass x speed of light square
I say Energy = mass x time (time I say different that is time = force / mass this time I use in the equation is different from normal time) x speed of light square.

So I say mass x time is taking power from Nothing instead of what Newton says and m x t x speed of light square is Nothing Power instead of what Einstein says.

So I conclude mass x time is taking power from Nothing is force too called and mass x time x speed of light square is POWER IN NOTHING VALUE
so now you understood in this short I write. Now its not new what paragraphs I write above other than maths. This write in short is same as So Now I ask for Money. This is the same I explain I ask for Money from this sentence where I write from above I ask for Money. write in short is different explanation in short the paragraphs as I say I wrote above includes write in short. so I need Money as can't survive with such family or without girls can't live so in need of Money I was so I want Money thaa.

doubt I clear down
First calculate mass then weight then you reach time. Mass was first there then weight came with it and time is then calculated if mass and weight are there. The time we get is the real time of anything so Time informed Power in Nothing and Nothing Power value. By this time you can know Power in Nothing and also Nothing Power value. So mass and weight we know time we calculate. first we calculate time after we get other things so time we came to know here new new time is my time just should be known from the formula first that this time should only be used with other formula too.