and zameer
Not denying Nothing and Not denying zameer these are two
total three extra.
True right incorrect cure is fifth.
Truth right justice (parents don’t abide by right and justice
or don’t keep with these two tags so are ineligible)
Nothing and Reality we do like true we do right right we do
to cure incorrect so we reach reality. And truth we make right and right we
give justice is more ahead so do Nothing. So Nothing and reality is our belief.
After that these twelve beliefs we believe in truth and
justice is after these twelve beliefs we believe separate. These two beliefs
are after not before. This truth and justice comes after we believe all all
that I explain then it is the job of Allaah otherwise not otherwise not okay
not okay.
Normally we believe:
zameer and eemaan And Nothing And belief medication and
Allaah karte hain sentences And Quraanic verse these four beliefs with not
denying Nothing and Not denying Zameer. So our belief is. So from up WE BELIEVE
SO I say ahead I said.
These tags true right incorrect are connected to eachother
while truth right justice are separate tags. Some information on tags it was.
After these tags you follow truth and justice normally and
separately if you want to follow whatever you do is only valid after the above
tags I explained otherwise only Allaah could do truth and justice which is
first told in Islaam to a believer. Or four belief in the first sentence
includes the way I explained these tags same and same too(truth right justice
is one tag) (true right incorrect is the other tag) only after four beliefs or knowledge tags the way I explain you are told to follow otherwise not four beliefs could include
any such knowledge if followed properly I write in brackets. There is no fear
with four beliefs but so all write cancel. It includes includes a lot other
belief too and (other) belief tags too it includes.
Nothing and Reality we do like true we do right right we do
to cure incorrect so we reach reality. And truth we make right and right
we give justice is more ahead so do Nothing. So Nothing and reality is
our belief. These tags are different then you think truth bigger truth Nothing is
and reality is bigger justice so tags doesn’t say so but it happens work of
Allaah due to tags about reality and Nothing I talk about.
You can do Nothing by truth right justice and Reality by
true right incorrect. So if we can maintain Nothing and Reality is by these two
group of tags and four beliefs I mentioned the first first sentence In The
Normally we believe section.
Due to four Beliefs Quraanic Verse could say for Nothing and reality just it brings Quraanic verse also true.
people these are extra things I follow:
people these are extra things I follow:
Belief and Nothing it includes:
Belief (for Allaah) Nothing (to fight)
Believe (for Allaah) Nothing (to fight)
Allaah is Allaah this is one belief.
Belief of Allaah includes:
Allaah is there we believe (instead of Allaah before and
after what zameer wrong and eemaan wrong will explain.)
Allaah is UP this we continue and everywhere is Allaah and
maslaas of Allaah in Quraan or Bible including Nothing belief.
Quraanic Verse:Quraanic verse separate for Allaah not see what Allaah do just due to namaaz I say but we follow follow Allaah same as He says in Quraan or Bible about himself too here too just He says or not is the matter in Quraan and Bible. Belief of
Allaah due to Quraan and Bible could be different. It is again Allaah’s belief
to cure incorrect esp of Quraan and Bible. This is no extra thing I believe.
Though whatever I believe I believe so. If this mistake you see people remove
them I say you remove them. I deny the underline just say to learn from Allaah if you understand in Quraan or Bible. Just Allaah says we do others is all mistake if people follow Quraan or Bible means any Quraan or Bible you follow correct due to Allaah says you follow other ways are wrong ineligible against belief of Allaah.
learned from Namaaz and Education other than Music. I take personally
food and internet also Games are too Big thing for me and ALLAAH SO I
say so. Just namaaz I do. Education is for Allaah too or
Allaahtoo.Music is with Allaah with Allaah I feel Music so I take
personally I don't inform. Allaah could become Music can't become so
can't have an image too. Image is not the thing of competition for
Allaah. Any Allaah you feel other than Namaaz is only music education
too can't understand other than Music. Music can't understand
education too. Education is for Allaah to understand or it is for me
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