No Programming

Computer isn't Nothing. It works on charge. Everything is different (due to dependent on charge) in computer, Nothing is same. Same job can't happen again in computer same things are different (due to time different or spaceforce different) (or both different I mean if continue previous bracket). There are ample amount of possibilities in computer (one can't be repeated) always computer is step ahead by new data. New data is programming. More language you put is told in computer recognized if recognized language is language and other is other then you have made a computer. Any number of possibilities are there in computer.

Computer isn't Nothing now computer you can told to be it is. A thing comparable to Nothing is has infinite capabilities if we know how to use as one computer connected to all. All do same on same computer with different screens alone different you can know infinite capabilities then you have made the computer (that much people in number).

Computer has several capabilities. Like programming is different from understanding and different in Maths and language is computer maths is different from programming language and programing language is different from maths programmes. But science is due to programming. Computer can understand science due to programming totally different from programming language or programming of maths (maths has no language) Maths is no programming language but programme. Science is the third subject of computer and advancement. Only I understand full I could say but this paragraph is not wrong researchers could say but people it is wrong. I don't write the last statement. Something so anyone can understand That I write. Like time, electron proton, differentiation, maths and physics, computer could work on full anyone way oneway too but we make computer on charge so charge physics computer could understand too. Charge is everything of a computer and charge can't understand spaceforce is no so but more dependent on spaceforce. Our writing if makes the computer charge understand writing more if technology alone makes the computer then charge isn't there. Charge is required if there are outsiders with technology even outsiders could work no can't work. Technology could save us more than charge. Charge is first and last thing I don't know for sure. It is good that technology could understand writing too charge can't or can understand writing that much. As you write charge understand whereas technology explains new which we may can't understand. May can't means we din't do the works from Nothing and is too capable isn't Nothing with infinite capabilities for us highest thing is computer and money after it charge doesn't deny but computer could be compared is with us comparable to infnite capabilities such one thing computer is. It isn't Nothing you can say positively is computer. A computer can make millions of theory which we can't understand if we put right programming languages means could know to interconnect which is my secret that I could make some language I don't inform others so din't found the computer to be so.

Some computer mistakes I don't know. Can't understand making of the hardware still could know programming programming langauge too I know only that. It is made like Interuniversal treaty is made all laws connected by different theories saying same so as many more language makes one langauge of different kind computer could answer we coudn't answer same.

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