computer and knowledge

Knowledge is stored is comp. knowledge works is puter. Nothing opposite is comp key word as it is for knowledge or Nothing is the key word if all knowledge. Language on screen is computer. Language should work on screen too if better computer. Language minus screen is no computer. No computer we dint talk. No computer is bigger than computer too but not a computer with screen. Even if you have no computer still built a no computer computer with screen. Everything is one of the word of computer. Something is not the word. All things are the phrases or only phrases of computer. Calculations in computer is not from Nh. Nh job is different from computer. So Nothing doesn’t need to know calculation or do calculation is not different from Nothing.  Some prgrming language could be a sentence too still not called programing sentence. Some mystify or certify could be a programing sentence but not work as it not work as a programme. Programing sentence could be a url too but url is not programming. When all things there it is programing or programing language. Program is based on computer too where as computer is based on keys and not programing. Keys are not programming they are like too may urls working working separate. Computer is never to explain people but understand it understood it by people is a computer programme as computer can’t understand people.
A computer works by programming url. Such keys of computer work. Keys are in time of work work is in past. Computer is never a program but runs on programme. A computer is opposite to knowledge could store knowledge. Life isn’t on computer and words are keys there are no words too as it is opposite to knowledge. Words used are programmed such way so are words so they are words. Some no-computer should be there too to run on words. A computer is language too but no knowledge.
I understood from namaaz and education what all I write other than music. so food and internet I don't write about my life. about my life. Games are too Big and under entertainment sector.

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