as I watched the Internet.

y x y x y
2y = mass
2xy =  time                                  
So m=f/t
F= 2y(2xy)
=4x multiplied by y square so is the force or weight. Force and weight are same incase of steady objects. So this equation is about mass and force. Time is 2 multiplied by itself (is square)and we as one time is double with us no so we are double and multiplied with time is force we have in us when we are steady.
People this equation is of lightlike velocity we understood what force is.

And at light like velocity time is double so force and (mass isn’t there to experience is wrong) mass is more like 2y (is mass) 2y is again included with time is mass is two times atleast and there is no center of us if we invert decimals as 1/x to x ( we are multiplying to some thing we are dividing )is there and force is (4x) multiplied by (ysquare) is same at light like light like velocity As force is equal to speed of light square ( including we as same)force and mass becomes one and normally mass and time could be one as difference is 2y = mass and 2xy= time just 2x different in mass and time as 2xy/2y=x (mass and time different are we that’s 2x as x is if they work is 2x normally we are 1/x as division we do for existence) and on calculating difference on division It is x I think x is at speed of light the thing is as 1/x is time removed from object means (no division we remain at light like velocity so we are x if at lightlike velocity)object has not made as you aren’t there 1/x is you and x alone you are is including (time and upto minimum extent as at lightlike velocity ) and no mass you are if you are x we are first in time then mass was allowed to form. There is multiplication difference in x and 1/x the difference is multiplication of both as at lightlike velocity they are multiplied so different objects have different speed other than at lightlike or after lightlike velocity ( now due to mass it is partially true but due to we create a difference as 1/x after lightlike velocity we have tobe at different speed. Different objects at different speed after lightlike velocity if they are. 1/x isn’t there at light like velocity but we are x.
2y = mass
2xy =  time
Due to time we are same as time is between mass and force we are x. IF We talk mass and force this two alone the we are time as between them. Time and mass together are force. Force and time together we have to do square of speed of light m=f/t(f=m/t I write separate not included here) m=f.t is wrong inreal as f=m/t so 1/f=t/m so 1=t.f/m so 2xy.2y(2xy)/2y= 4 xsquare ysquare=1 just mass removed from time and force its Nothing value. (4 (4) 3.3= 144 If we take out mass our Nothing is double the force (72) as said below.
Force.time= 2y(2xy).2xy= 8 xsquare ycube if x=2 and y=3 then 288 is the answer now here mass=force/time 2y=f/2xy so 6=f/12 f=72 compared to Nothing value it is half half of 144 is force multiplied by time should equal with lightlike velocity 24lakhs is eight times the velocity of light you (some time too you are) so xsquare and mass cube mass is here separate. Here 288-72=216 like 72 multiplied by 3=216
72x6/12 =36
36 is half of force value
Distance is half of force.

Time comes first for us in formation and for non-livning things mass is first as I explain.
So at lightlike velocity m=2y due to 2y.lightlike velocity same way t=2xy again 2xy.lightlike velocity. So due to mass and time light is to done square then time travelling object could be known. (this I have discovered people I want Money)
It could be seen LHC okay we have it is we have time and mass defination.
Time multiplied by mass they have to see.still our Nothing value as I say.
M=2y t=2xy m=6 t=12, t is 12.lightlikev=36( is lightlike velocity )m=6.lightlike velocity =18 (is double mass  double mass figure is 18 so 9 be the value of normal mass (increased half) and it is time (decreased half) same figure 9 9 it is as it was 12. Mass and time makes lightlike velocity as half. force=m.t so=72 (as 36 multiplied by 2 and like t multiplied by lightlike velocity or say mass square) ( 72 multiplied by 2 is 144 the Nothing value as at lightlike velocity mass is double and time is twice no there
=8 xsqaure ycube =force
Here there are other equations below.
2y = mass
2xy =  time
mass is three times less than time.
m.t=6.18=108 = F
Now force at lightlike velocity is 108x3 = 324 we are at lightlike velocity.
M and t at l.l.velocity is 6x3 and 18x3
 is 24 and  is 54
108-24=84 as f-m(at l.l.velocity)=84  from force mass is removed.( so 6x14 is 84is time multiplied by 14 this we get as number showing mass removed how many times so is the Nothing. Value.
108-54=54 as f-t(at l.l.velocity) =54 half of force time removed from force. ( so 18x3 is 54 time removed is three times the time could indicate for x and y and/or lightlike velocity too.
108-78 (add mass and force both at lightlike velocity here)=30 so mass and time together should be removed at lightlike velocity from force so either x or y or lightlike velocity is known as decimal around which is either multiplied by 10 if mass and time or informs lightlike velocity.
T=1/m (f)
18=1/6x108 so 18=time
Here people understood any confusions.

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