
so from No.1 and No.2 some value we know from before due to which we find remaining value as it gets set different ways so we should have the idea of figure. We should be already knowing height or all values as this way of equation is for understanding more when normal we know. If we know the values from before then only we can use these equations that is 2(l+b) and l+b+h for our convenience of both the equations I say are usefull and one correct that is length+breadth+height.So comparing two equation 2(l+b) and l+b+h this should work as the difference between them is usefull first point and then either with comparing length difference and height difference with first point or comparing first point with length difference breadth difference or height difference so if we see same values we come to know all same values are answer to us. I am just finding detailed view of perimeter.

We get height in length+breath+height by equation by (length+breath)/2.
And 2(length + breath) is perimeter is wrong which people think as it counts four sides double of lenght and breath so it should be three sides counted for perimeter as in the equation opposite sides and perpendicular sides both are also there so 2(length + breath) which includes one more side as opposite side and perpendicular sides are included length or breath but in 2(l+b) includes one more side so its one more side or one more cross dimension included which we don't count as it is no perimeter.

So to know perimeter is length+breath+height as opposite sides are included it includes the whole block so we can know mass of the whole block that is perimeter only length+breath+height could inform.

If we calculate length breath height then length and breath are same they include opposite side but height or the third side includes perpendicular and opposite both sides or includes both like length and breath it includes which is just one of the side (still includes opposite cross dimension [what the third dimension is]and opposite sides) so out of length breadth and height one includes opposite side and dimension both. So third dimension is half of two dimension and includes two sides and it doesn't includes one more side or one more dim it is not including so equation 2(l+b) is wrong and (l+b)/2 is the third side which we find in l+b+h too and l+b isn't half dimension or half side as it is three dimension not four dimension and three sides as two separate length and breadth and height includes opposite sides and cross dimension too so after length and breadth the third side includes length and breadth so no four times as double of length and breadth both is four we need only three so l+b+h I mean the equation is correct, so no requirement of fourth side too like no dimension we calculate wrong. so 2(l+b) is wrong.

L=30 b=10 so
2(l+b) so
so 2(l+b) = perimeter=2(30+10) = 80---------1
so now h we take any value l+b+h =30+10+25=66------------------2
so comparing 1 and 2 80-66=14 (is time)
comparing 1 and 2 result with length breath and height
14-30 (time and length) 14-10 14-25 difference is 16 (length and time), 4(breath and time), 9(height and time) so 16 and 9 is 25 (is space)we get height.two difference value we add we get height too?
So 2(l+b) becomes four times 2(30+10)=80 is four sides so one side we cancel is 20 here as we see (l+b)/2 (30+10)/2=20 and our equation to know perimeter is l+b+h so 30+10+20=60.----3
so here 1 and 3 difference 80 and 60 is 20 which is same as height
and 1 and 2 difference is 14 which is same as time.
2 and 3 difference is 6.
so height and time are repeated 20 and 14and are space.

So here 14 is time and l+b+h is 66 so f=m x t so 14 x 66 = 924 is required to move the block.
So force travelling is m x t x f x w =14 x 66 x 924 x 924=x is force travelling.
m=f/t m=924/14 = 66
mass we have force and time we are finding.
Difference between 1 and 2 is time this I say. and length breadth height compared with time if is same value found is value of space.

I write: length+breadth+height is the correct formula to find perimeter and 2(l+b) is one dimension more or extra applicable here wrong.
And (l+b)/2 is used to find the third side or the height of the block as we see length and breadth so the third side is height here same way length or breadth could be found out as by dividing addition of two sides by two we get the third side.

l=12 b=16
2(l+b) so 2(12+16)=56--------------1 is wrong perimeter equation
Now but so if we check h=different we put our value we select 8 so in l+b+h 12+16+8=26----------2 is correct perimeter equation.
So comparing 1 and 2 we get 56 and 26 = 30 (is time)
now comparing 1and 2 results (that is time) with length breath and height.
30 and length (30 and 12=8), 30 and breath (30 and 16=14), height(30 and 8=22) again height we get same as height includes dimension too (which is the third including first two)with sides any one out of length breath and height includes dimension too to finish calculating sides. So repeated value is space so here height we get same number is space. So 8 is space.
As I say 2(l+b) becomes four times 2(12+16)=56 is four sides which should be three as includes opposite sides too so out of four either one side we cancel we get 14 or we see (l+b)/2 (12+16)/2=14 is the height. and breath here includes opposite side but includes one cross dimension to the toher two too. So our equation we know is perimeter length+breath+height is 12+16+14=42---------3 if we find h by the formula (l+b)/2 here this height we take which comes from equation.
so here 56-42=14 so 1 and 3 difference is 14which is same as height
and 42-26=16 so 2 and 3 difference is 16 which is same as breath.
As value is repeating here height and breath, 14 and 16 are space.

So here time same is 30 l+b+h =26 so mass=force/time is 26=f/30 so f= 780 is the weight of the block
so mass x time x force x weight = 26 x 30 x 780 x 780 = x is force travelling.
M we have extra dimension, no, finding only force and time. So no mass is extra dimension.

Difference between 1 and 2 is time this I say. and length breadth height compared with time if is same value found is value of space.

I write: length+breadth+height is the correct formula to find perimeter and 2(l+b) is one dimension more or extra applicable here wrong.
And (l+b)/2 is used to find the third side or the height of the block as we see length and breadth so the third side is height here same way length or breadth could be found out as by dividing addition of two sides by two we get the third side.

Value of time we compare with length breadth and height we get same number increase in knowing length breadth and height so in No.1:4 is breadth 9 is height and 16 is length so value increases by number 5 so space value is 5. same way in No.2: length=8 breadth=14 height=22 so value increases by number 6 so 6 is space value.

I write extra so don't mind or say.
I write Extra:
From NO.1:Or l+b+h we see value of 2(l+b) as result 30+10+x=80 (2 x [l+b]) x=40 it comes as half of perimeter formula 2(l+b) or l+b which shows height this number. so is half view of three dimension which could be two sides perpendicular to each other. As height shows addition of other two here length and breath both.

Now 2(l+b) =66 from(1) so l+b=33 it just shows half is l+b so l=30 30+b=33 b=3 so l=30 I don't say all this which has no-logic.

l=12 b=16
2(l+b) so 2(12+16)=56--------------1
l+b+h so 12+16+x=56 (2 x [l+b]) so x=56-28=28 we got it. It comes half as perimeter formula 2(l+b) or l+b which shows height as this half view is dimensions from one side from three dimensional angel we see. As one out of three length, breath, height is addition of the other two as includes sides, and one dimension too with itself (or cross to two dimension)that is one out of l,b and h we calculate so half the equation (l+b) or addition of the two other sides

so out of length breadth and height one includes opposite side and cross to two dimension both so one of them could be half of the other two could be thought as I say that it is unsolved. Still one dim is half of other two dimension if it is inbetween two dim counted.

l+b is half of l+b+h so it could be h is including two sides and one cross dimension including other two dimensions (half) with h so one out of l or b or h could be containing two more sides and be cross dimension connected to other two dimension. this I say.

so in all I say values compared with difference of No.1 and No.2 is mass and their addition is time.
Now 2(l+b)=26 from(1) l+b=13, l=12 so b=1 I don't say all this.

This is no-write extra no-write if extra: I say I just took any figure normally length and breadth are base and height is lesser than length and breadth. So breath is the side of length and height, both including and one dimension including one dimension and two sides together including (or one cross dimension to remaining two dimensions [which is not included by two {remaining}dimensions but due to two sides third one length or breadth is]so breadth is the base after length, so length breadth and height I write this way. It is easier for forcetravelling to move let block go ahead by normal applied force so this this kind of block (force travells doesn't result in falling of the block so the block is rectangular)I say which is mostly force travells from whom is Sky and we keep getting force after Allaah. Allaah doesn't lets enemies work.

I write again: 

length+breadth+height is the correct formula to find perimeter and 2(l+b) is one dimension more or extra applicable here wrong.

And I say (l+b)/2 is used to find the third side or the height of the block as we see length and breadth so the third side is height here same way length or breadth could be found out as by dividing addition of two sides by two we get the third side, I again write.

l=12 b=16

2(l+b) so 2(12+16)=56--------------1 is the wrong perimeter.

l+b+h so 12+16+x=56 according to x derived from(2 x [l+b]) so x=56-28=28 so h is 28 -----1A perimeter is 12+16+28 =56 we get wrong perimeter.


(l+b)/2 is h so 12+16/2=14 is h-----2A

so perimeter is l+b+h what is 12+16+14=42------------2 is the right perimeter.


So l+b is=28---3A (l+b)/2 is=14---4A 2(l+b) is=56---1 and l+b+h is= 42---2


So ---1 minus ---2 is 56-42 is 14 again what is same as we get h (2A) which is from my formula (proof of my formula is correct)


So h we get double by incorrect formula 2(l+b) which is value 28 (1A) whereas by our formula (l+b)/2 is h I say we get h half of h-of-wrong-formula that is 14 (2A) means 28/2=14 (proof of my formula is correct).

So I mean 2(l+b) is big mess formula as formula of a cylinder perimeter it is instead of a rectangle or square block as by my formula where h=(l+b)/2 we could get some perimeter of a block (so not sliding  in a cylinder).

And the proof of my formula is l+b+h perimeter is correct if the two dimension other than middle dimensions are half of/include-in middle dimension. So the third dimension is including both two dim and two sides around by my perimeter formula. As by wrong perimeter formula 2(l+b) the middle dimension includes the opposite dimension (the other corner too) so h becomes extra in extra dimension which is out side dimensions which is not their but h is present and can be counted /included by my formula.  

  So this I say is only so if (l+b)/2 is h. inreal h is

Any one or two dimensions if we created more bigger we are in extra-dimension which is outside normal Time so not favourable or not balancing or not good for health. So no one  dimensions should be created bigger you can built two more as you like but the third one accordingly.


Calculations I show:

If 2(l+b) is  wrong perimeter. We take value l=12 b=16 so 2(12+16) is 56.

So for perimeter other way is l+b+h we see so 12+16+h=56 so h=56-28 is 28.

Now as per I say that h should be (l+b)/2 means (12+16)/2=14 what I say h should be

So for normal perimeter 12+16+14=42 is l+b+h=42

So 2(l+b) is 56 and l+b+h is 42 and (l+b)/2 is 14 so h is 14

So 2(l+b) minus (l+b+h) is 56-42=14 so this value we get same as h its something fabulous.

So we get h by removing 2(l+b) from l+b+h which is again 14 in the above sentence I say what is h. so this is one more proof that my formula is correct.

So if h is if double means h is alone not counted but including one more dimension and also so one more side are counted when 2(l+b) is not a cylinder. Or normally  cylinder formula is 2(l+b) what people should know what is a wrong formula for a block.

So my h is correct as h by wrong formula is double means 28 instead of my h which is 14.

So 2(l+b) minus (l+b+h) is 14 which this value 14 is same as (l+b)/2 proof of my formula is correct so h we take should be (l+b)/2 as if we take formula 2(l+b) as perimeter then h is double which is a cylinder not a rectangle on land, which doesn’t fit in Time or Dimension.

2(l+b) is one dimension double or extra we come to know if minus (l+b+h) from it. Then we get h which is according to my formula. So  2(l+b) is 56 and l+b+h is 42 and I can say that my correct perimeter which is 42 minus h-of-wrong-formula which is 28  is also same number which is 14 which means wrong formula counts one h (means dimension and side) extra one more proof of my formula is correct.

So 2(l+b) minus (l+b+h) is 56-42=14 (l+b)/2 is also 14 so h is 14 is correct what I say.



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